एयर कंडीशनिंग का हमारे शरीर पर प्रभाव What Air Conditioning Does to Your Body?

Author : Dr. P. D. GUPTA

Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India


A few days back I wrote in this column about how to save from a heat wave. Yes, “Air conditioners are a good tool to save from heat. Saves Lives During Heat waves when some places temperature goes about 500 C . Once our body temperature goes above 390 degrees, we are at risk of heat exhaustion -- nausea, cramps, dizziness, feeling faint -- and if you continue to heat up, you could get heat stroke at that time AC comes to our risqué

However Air conditioning may come with some negative effects also therefore unless there is an emergency please do not use AC

1.       Effects of Indoor Air: If you work in an air-conditioned building with poor ventilation, it can raise your risk of “sick building syndrome.” Symptoms include headaches, dry cough, dizziness and nausea, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and sensitivity to odors. Forced indoor air may also slightly raise your risk of Infection. But the risk is small. Lower it even more with regular filter changes, opening windows, and covering coughs and sneezes.

2.       Dehydrates You: Air conditioners suck moisture out of a room to bring down the humidity and cool it off. This can pull water from your skin, drying it -- and you -- out.

3.       Dries out Eyes: The lack of humidity in air-conditioned spaces can dry your eyes. This can make them irritated and itchy and may even make your vision blurry.

4.       Boosts Metabolism: Studies show more time in cold weather may help you lose weight. Your body may develop a greater amount of healthy, energy-burning “brown fat” as it deals with more frigid air. Air conditioning in hot weather can help keep you in a cool state, but you’ll also have to lower your indoor temps in the winter to see a real benefit.

5.       Helps You Think: A 2018 Harvard study showed that students who lived in dorms without A/C during hot summer months did worse on cognitive tests than those who had cool central air.

6.       Irritated Airways: Studies show that people who work in air-conditioned buildings have more respiratory problems (irritated nasal passages, trouble breathing) than people who work in buildings with natural ventilation.

7.       Can Make Your Headache: If you spend time in indoor spaces with HVAC systems that are dirty or not well-maintained, you’re more likely to have headaches or even migraines. In one study, 8% of people who work in unhealthy indoor air environments had headaches 1-3 days a month, and 8% had daily headaches.

8.       Lowers Your Heat Tolerance: Scientists have coined the term “adaptive comfort model” to describe why spending more time in air conditioning makes it harder to deal with hot temperatures. Your ideal temperature depends in part on whatever temperature you’ve recently been exposed to. The more you hang out in spaces pumped full of A/C, the less comfortable heat and humidity will feel.

9.       Pollutes the Outside Air: Older A/C units can release CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). This is a refrigerant that can harm the ozone layer, heating up the Earth.  

10.   Ramps up Allergies: If you keep your A/C clean, it can help tame allergies. But an HVAC system can quickly become a home for microbial allergens. Be sure you have your system inspected regularly and keep it well-maintained so you don’t add to your allergy issues.

11.   Helps You Sleep: Experts say sleeping in a room that’s between 60-67 degrees is ideal for the best rest. This is because your body cools down as part of a natural sleep cycle, so a cool room helps that happen. Sometimes A/C is the tool you need to get your sleep space to the right temp.

Something in the fresh air

Many sources of indoor air pollution can affect human health and cognition. These include particles and gases emitted by furniture and building materials, as well as carbon dioxide (CO2) exhaled by a building’s occupants. Choosing better materials and improving ventilation, filtration, and air processing can help make buildings healthier.

Fresh air enters the building: 

1.  Fresh air Outside air is often the best way to ensure indoor air quality. The recommended exchange rate of four to six room changes per hour can be achieved by opening windows or tuning the ventilation system.

2.  Outdoor pollutants In areas with high levels of air pollution, experts recommend high-quality filtration and air treatment systems.

3.  Recirculation Conventional forced-air heating and cooling systems recirculate the same air. Better filters and bringing outside air into the ventilation system or opening windows helps improve air quality.

Outdoor pollutants enter building, Air duct, Rug, Air return

4.  Off-gassing Rugs, upholstery, paints, and cleaning materials can give off volatile organic compounds(VOCs), which can cause irritation and health problems. Choosing better materials is the best approach.

5. Exhaled C02 A buildup of CO2 because of poor ventilation can cause drowsiness and

impair cognition. Outside air and a well-tuned ventilation system can address that concern.

6.  Resuspension Routine activities such as walking on rugs and plopping down on chairs can raise levels of dust, which can carry pollutants. Better air filtration and cleaning surfaces with vacuums with built-in filter scan help.

Size matters of the many particles found in indoor air, exhaled particles smaller than 5 micrometers (μm) have become a focus during the COVID-19 pandemic because they can linger in the air and transmit disease. Dust(2.5 μm) Aerosol particles(<5 μm)Pollen, molds(10–15 μm)Grain of salt(60 μm)

Cleaning indoor air could make us healthier—and smarter (The author has his own study and views)