गठिया रोग से सुरक्षित रहे... Management of Arthritis

Author : Dr. P. D.GUPTA

Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India


There is a well known fact that inflammation causes pathogenesis.  Arthritis is a type of disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints in the body. Arthritis is a Greek word that means "disease of the joints". You are not the only one who suffers with this painful disease; it affects approximately 350 million people worldwide, with osteoarthritis being the most common type.  Arthritis can be triggered by severe bouts of inflammation.  Inflammation implies redness and swelling in the joints. Arthritis is usually associated with pain, inflammation, limited motion and joint stiffness due to the release of chemicals from the body into the bloodstream, or damaged tissue areas.  This chemical release eventually aggravates the nerves, which results in a great deal of pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can even cause disfigurement of the hands (see figure).

Women are more likely than males to experience it. Women experience arthritis and other rheumatic disorders more frequently than males do. Arthritis conditions are frequently connected to ageing; as people grow older, they occur more frequently. However, people of all ages may be impacted by arthritis. 

 Arthritis is generally experienced in Connective tissue include ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.  These tissues give support to the body's tissues and organs. Arthritis is  due to:

Inflammation: Inflammation is the body's normal healing mechanism that occurs to fight against bacterial, viral, or other reactions. There is no specific reason for inflammation; it responds to injuries also. The inflammation results in swelling, pain, and stiffness in the joints. Some of the inflammatory arthritis conditions are rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis.

Degeneration of bony tissueue: Degeneration of cartilage/bony structures in the body leads to   arthritis. The main role of cartilage is to cover the ends of the bones and to glide or move the joints. Degeneration of the cartilage leads to osteoarthritis.

Infections: Infections such as bacterial, viral, or fungal may lead to joint inflammation. Infections may be acute or chronic (long-lasting), i.e., irreversible joint inflammation. In rare conditions, it may lead to septic arthritis, which requires immediate medical attention

Faulty Metabolism: Metabolic imbalances in uric acid lead to gout. In this situation, high levels of uric acid (hyperuricemia) get deposited around the joints, which lead to inflammation. e.g., gouty arthritis. 

Preventative measures

When discussing arthritis, it's crucial to familiarize our self with the different types of classes and associated symptoms. Here we are NOT discussing medical treatment. We are discussing only to manage symptoms like, Redness and Joint stiffness,  Loss of joint function, Joint swelling,  Joint pain,  Muscle stiffness,  Fatigue/loss of energy,  Fever Chills,  Headaches,  Loss of appetite, all due to arthritis :

1. Exercise  Retain mobility in the joints by exercising regularly. Exercising will help control the excess pressure and strain that inflames the joint. It will also help strengthen the muscles that support the joint and keep your joints fully lubricated. Always warm up properly before performing any stretching exercises. It's also a good idea to follow a healthy diet and go for a walk every day.  

2.  Massage There's nothing quite as soothing for your aching joints and muscles as getting a massage. Massaging with mustard oil might seem a bit out of the ordinary, but it works. The oil helps reduce joint pain and inflammation. You can prepare a homemade mustard oil mix as follows:  Directions: Heat a little mustard oil until it becomes slightly warm. Onion juice may be added if there is swelling.  Rub the oil gently over the painful joint or joints before covering it with plastic wrap.  Apply warm towels to the swelling joints, and repeat on a daily basis or until swelling goes down. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extra virgin olive oil acts like a natural aspirin to help heal painful joints. The oil contains the inflammatory enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, which help lubricate your joints and provide you with instant pain relief. You can either rub a bit of the olive oil on the affected joints. Also, Peppermint Eucalyptus Oil Blend Peppermint and eucalyptus oil, when combined, offer a soothing sensation to the achy arthritic joints. Here's how to prepare the mixture:  What You Will Need: 5-10 drops of Eucalyptus oil 5-10 drops of Peppermint oil 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil (olive, almond, grape seed, etc.) A small dark glass bottle Directions: Blend 5-10 drops of eucalyptus and peppermint oil together, and then add 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil to the mixture.  Carrier oil dilutes the essential oil, to prevent skin irritation.  Keep the concoction stored in a dark glass bottle, far away from direct sunlight.  Rub the mixture gently onto the painful joints.

3.  Epsom Salt Magnesium relaxes the muscles and nerve endings, which become aggravated by the inflammation. Dunking your hands in a bowl of water with Epsom salt can help alleviate the discomfort. It's also a great source of magnesium, which regulates the pH balance levels in the body. The salt keeps the pH levels low to prevent inflammation. Here's how to prepare an Epsom salt mixture: Directions: Fill a large bowl with warm water, and add a half cup of Epsom salt. Make sure you stir the contents of the bowl.   Dunk your hands or affected joints in the bowl. Alternatively, you may want to fill a tub with warm water and add 2 cups of Epsom salt to allow more room for larger joints, such as the knees.  Soak your joints for approximately 15 minutes. Soak daily.  

4.  Turmeric Turmeric helps to reduce painful swelling and joint inflammation. The dark yellow spice promotes healthy functioning of the joints, keeps your immune system well-protected, and improves digestion. It's also excellent for reducing pain among people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. The yellow powder can even be mixed together with green tea, and here's the delicious recipe: Directions: 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 2 cups of water 1 teaspoon of honey for a little flavouring

5.  Increased   Magnesium Intake Magnesium is essential for absorbing calcium, which strengthens the bones. Magnesium supplements can relieve pain and rebuild bone tissue. Eat more foods that are high in magnesium, such as beans, nuts, whole grains, dark leafy greens, and fish. Magnesium oils and supplements can be purchased at any local health store. It's important to maintain high bone density to thwart the pain.  How Much Should You Pay a Maid for House Cleaning? Here Are the Prices Sponsored | Maid Services | Search Ads Senior Stairlifts 2024 (See Prices) Sponsored | Stairlift | Search Ads

6.  Ginger Ginger can reduce swelling and stiffness in the joints due to the high anti-inflammatory components found inside. Eating raw ginger on a regular basis can help alleviate pain by improving blood circulation. Ginger may be added to green tea to create a great healing solution. Here is an easy recipe you can make if you don't enjoy the taste of raw ginger: Directions: Fill a bowl with 6 teaspoons of dried ginger, 6 teaspoons of caraway seeds, and 3 teaspoons of black pepper. Mix well.  Consume half a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of water after each meal. 

7.  Fish Oil Popular fish oil supplements are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which is used to combat arthritis. The fatty acids also boost your immune system, fighting off swelling or achy joints. Fish oil also improves your cardiovascular system and helps prevent blood clots. Cold water fish should be added your dietary plan, but if you don't enjoy eating fish, a capsule of fish oil will suffice. or consume 2-3 teaspoons of it

8.  Cayenne Ointment The capsaicin of the cayenne pepper acts as a natural dopamine to block out pain signals from the neurological system. It disrupts the Substance P, which transmits pain signals to the brain. Cayenne ointment may be applied to the joints to relieve the pain. You can prepare your own treatment with these easy-to-follow instructions: What You Will Need: 3 tablespoons of cayenne powder 1 cup of grapeseed oil (or any other oil like almond, olive, jojoba) 1/2 cup of grated beeswax A glass jar with a tightly fitting lid A double boiler Directions: Mix 3 tablespoons of cayenne powder together with a cup of your oil of choice.  Heat the oil mixture in a double boiler for 5-10 minutes on medium heat.  Stir in a half cup of grated beeswax until the substance has fully melted down and everything is blended together.  Keep the cayenne mixture chilled in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, and then whisk. Repeat the step for an additional 10-15 minutes. Pour into a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid in the refrigerator, and apply daily.    

9.  Cinnamon  How Much Should You Pay a Maid for House Cleaning? Here Are the Prices Sponsored | Maid Services | Search Ads Modular Homes 2024 (View Prices) Sponsored | Modular Houses | Search Ads The anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant properties contained in cinnamon help repair damaged tissues and increase bone density. The powerful spice is an ideal wonder drug for people suffering from Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Cinnamon blends well with honey, and helps soothe the discomforting areas. Mix a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a tablespoon of honey, into a cup of warm water or add the combination to your tea. A honey cinnamon paste can be made, and massaged gently over the painful areas. 

10.   Cherries Cherries are excellent sources of magnesium and potassium, both vital components for treating joint discomfort and pain. The potassium acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Make sure you eat a handful of cherries every day to keep the inflammation away! You can prepare a homemade cherry syrup by boiling a few cherries in water for a couple of minutes. Once the water thoroughly boils, it will form a sweet tasting syrup.  

 11.  Juniper Berry Tea Juniper berries are used to treat arthritic pain, nerve pain, and gout. They contain the powerful anti-inflammatory compound, known as terpinen-4-ol. Note: Pregnant women should not drink juniper tea because it can lead to miscarriages.

Juniper berry

Here's how to prepare juniper tea:   What You Will Need: 1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries 1 cup of fresh water A teaspoon of honey  Directions: Place a tablespoon of fresh juniper berries into a cup of boiled water. Add a teaspoon of honey to increase the flavor.  Pour the boiling water over the berries, and allow them to soak for 20 minutes before straining.  Drink the tea twice per day. (The author has his own study and views)