Author : Dr. P. D.GUPTA
Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India
Pregnancy, the new phase in the LIFE of a girl, that makes her mother from a girl for the first time. This phage brings thrill and excitement along with a feeling of apprehension and anxiety in the first-time mother. Couple of years back I wrote a book “Mothering a Cause”, it is not a causal mother and child type book, It rather answers an important question Why should one become mother. In other words “Mothering a Cause”, means without a reason you do not want to become a mother, then what is the reason? This is explained in this book.
To keep a healthy pregnancy, what should one know about Coffee and Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, many processes and series of changes take place in a woman’s organs and tissues as a result of a developing foetus. The entire process from fertilization to birth takes an average of 266–270 days, or about nine months this period is known as the pregnancy period. During pregnancy, all drinks with significant levels of caffeine such as coffee, cola, and energy drinks should be avoided. High levels have been linked to pregnancy complications, so it is best to limit your caffeine intake as much as possible. The current NHS guidelines recommend that you should have less than 200mg a day. This is about 2 cups of instant coffee. A mug of coffee each day roughly doubles the risk of having stillbirths. It is best to switch to decaffeinated drinks or drinks without caffeine There is no known safe level of caffeine whilst you are pregnant. There is no known safe level of caffeine whilst you are pregnant.
Pregnant women who consumed the caffeine equivalent of as little as half a cup of coffee a day on average had slightly smaller babies than pregnant women who did not consume caffeinated beverages, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers found corresponding reductions in size and lean body mass for infants whose mothers consumed below the caffeine levels recommended for pregnant lady. Smaller birth sizes can place infants at higher risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes later in life.
. “Until we learn more, our results suggest it might be prudent to limit or forego caffeine-containing beverages during pregnancy,” Dr. Grantz said. “It’s also a good idea for women to consult their physicians about caffeine consumption during pregnancy.”
at risk for intrauterine growth restriction—being in the lowest 10th percentile for infants of the same gestational age. However, studies on moderate daily caffeine consumption (200 milligrams or less) during pregnancy have produced mixed results.
Compared to infants born to women with no or minimal blood levels of caffeine, infants born to women who had the highest blood levels of caffeine at enrollment were an average of 84 grams lighter at birth (about 3 ounces), were .44 centimeters shorter (about .17 inches), and had head circumferences .28 centimeters smaller (about .11 inches).
Based on the women’s own estimates of the beverages they drank, women who consumed about 50 milligrams of caffeine a day (equivalent to a half cup of coffee) had infants 66 grams (about 2.3 ounces) lighter than infants born to non-caffeine consumers. Similarly, infants born to caffeine consumers also had thigh circumferences .32 centimeters smaller (about .13 inches). (The author has his own study and views)