पशु-से-मानव अंग प्रत्यारोपण Animal-to-Human Organ Transplants

Author : Dr. P. D.GUPTA

Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India


The first animal -to-Human organ transplants( in scientific terms called as Xenotransplant) was made successfully in the history by Lord Shiva; Elephant’s head on human, and that was not rejected too. After this, in modern science first attempt was made in 1906 by Jaboulay (Lyon, France) using a pig kidney to the elbow of a 48- year-old-woman. A few months later, he attempted xenotransplantation of a goat kidney at the elbow of another woman. Both grafts failed due to thrombosis.     


Types of the organs which can be transplant

Animal -to-Human  transplant  is explained as   any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation or infusion into a human recipient of either

(a) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source, or

(b) human body fluids, cells, tissues or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman animal cells, tissues.


Organ Transplant

In 1954, the kidney was the first human – to - human organ to be transplanted successfully. Liver, heart and pancreas transplants were successfully performed by the late 1960s, while lung and intestinal organ transplant procedures were begun in the 1980s. Inspired by Lord Shiva’s Animal-to-Human organ transplant .technology, again  an Indian was way ahead of his time and had performed a non-genetically modified pig heart transplant on a human  by Dhaniram Baruah, a cardio-thoracic surgeon based in Sonapur near Guwahati  Assam in India way back  in mid-December 1996 and was announced in January 1997.


Prof. Dhaniram Baruha

The pig’s heart recipient was Purno Saikia, a 32-year-old terminally-ill man; he died shortly after the operation of multiple infections but certainly showed the way to have success of the xenotrans plant technology. Later, pig's heart, lungs and kidneys were transplanted into a human.. by many groups in the world Employing the above mentioned procedure on 7 January, 2022, doctors in China transplanted the heart from a genetically modified pig so that the human body would tolerate it. The patient was survived for  eight weeks with his new heart before his body shut down. After his death, the research team learnt that the transplanted organ was infected with a pig herpes virus that had not been detected by tests. Soon after this report a team from The US transplanted the first pig kidneys into three people who had been declared legally dead because they lacked brain function. The trials found that the organs produced urine and were not rejected by the human immune system, even two to three days after the procedure. Surgeons performed two more pig-heart transplants in brain-dead people in June and July, 2022. 


Transfer of Pancreatic Cells

Other researchers think that trials in living people will be the best way to determine whether the body rejects the organ months after the transplant. Keeping brain-dead individuals on life support for this long could be considered unethical. Scientists have previously found that pig islet cells (pancreatic cells to cure diabetes) seem to be safe in humans.

Let’s see when we can get Shiva’s perfection in Animal-to-Human organ transplant technology. (The author has his own study and views)