Bengaluru witnessed a Unique donation on Karnataka Rajyothsava day, i.e., 1st November 2022. A 22-minute green corridor was created from Aster CMI Hospital to Jayadeva Hospital
Donor: A 22- year-old male while riding a two-wheeler collided with an electric car and suffered a head injury. He was shifted to Aster CMI Hospital, Hebbal on Friday evening, i.e., 28th October 2022, from a nearby Multi-speciality Hospital, and on Monday, 31st October 2022 he was declared brain-dead by the panel of experts. The family members agreed to organ donation, the harvesting was carried out on Karnataka Rajyotsava day, on Tuesday, 1st November 2022. By doing so, many recipients' lives were saved, who were waiting to receive organs.
According to Jeevasarthakathe, the following organs: Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Cornea & Skin were harvested & went to various Hospitals in Bengaluru, according to the rota system followed.