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Author : Dr. P. D.GUPTA

Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India


Be Social

Life expectancy can be increased by just be with your friends and family. The more connected someone is, the better their overall health. Having positive relationships with a spouse, friends, and family is the best way to be connected. It is not known why relationships play a role in health and life expectancy but general observation is it does. It could be that people in positive relationships are less likely to take on risky behaviours and are more likely to take care of themselves. It could be that having people around you reduces the impact of stress on your health. People who are engaged in "meaningful" relationships have better health and better life expectancies.

One way of improving your relationships with people is to get in the habit of telling good stories share your experiences. Stories are how we communicate with one another, and telling a good story strengthens communications. Rather than just give a dry update on the phone to distant family members, tell a story about something funny your kid did or something crazy that happened at work. Stories keep relationships alive. Make more time for friends and family. Go do things together (create stories together), and make a real effort to improve your communication with them (whether by e-mail, phone, or in person) by having a good story always ready for the telling.

Get Daily Yoga

Improve your life expectancy with a commitment to daily yoga. A study showed that people who yoga for around three hours a week had DNA and cells that were nine years younger than who do not perform. Three hours a week is a little more than 30 minutes a day.

The easiest way to create an yoga habit is through daily repetition. When you promise yourself to yoga daily, you may skip a day but then get back on the program the following day.

Daily yoga/exercise will also help improve your sleep and your energy level.  Remember, daily exercise/yoga doesn't have to mean going to the gym every day. Home exercises, such as yoga, stretching, free weights, and more, can be incredibly effective.

(I have written a book “Exercise for Beauty and Health”)

Manage Oral hygiene

Recent research has closely related tooth loss to “stress” during a person’s life, including specific social, emotional, economic, and educational experiences as well as health issues like chronic disease, genetic conditions, nutritional intake, and lifestyle choices.

For example, people who had lost 5 or more teeth by the age of 65 years were more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis, all of which could severely limit life expectancy. Many of these illnesses previously have been linked to a person’s quality of life and socioeconomic status. The study concludes that the number of teeth in aging humans can affect longevity and life expectancy. Also, tooth loss is a predictor of shortened longevity.

Prevent your gums from becoming inflamed by maintaining oral hygiene. What is happening when your gums are inflamed is that you have a chronic bacterial infection in your mouth. This harms your arteries through two mechanisms.

The first is that the bacteria find their way into your arteries causing plaques. As well, your body mounts an immune response to the bacteria in your mouth, causing inflammation, which in turn can cause your arteries to narrow. This makes it hard for your heart to do its job and can lead to heart disease.

In addition to daily brushing keep one clove in your mouth after eating meals.

Have More Sex

Why sex should be linked to life expectancy is something of a mystery. Sex triggers all sorts of endorphins and hormones in the body. Maybe these help with healthy aging and increasing life expectancy.  The simple fact is that having more sex is healthy. We have seen elsewhere that having good relationships and being positive are linked to longer life expectancies. Maybe sex is a market for good, positive relationships.

Your life expectancy may be increased by having sex frequently. This is good news, especially because issues around sex and aging are being taken more and more seriously by the medical community. In one study, men with a high frequency of orgasms showed a 50% reduction in mortality. Of course, it could be that healthier people are more likely to have more sex and that the findings linking sex to life expectancy are reflecting this, but I think there is more to it.

Tips for older men

What you can do to maintain a healthy and enjoyable sex life as you grow older?

As you age, sex isn't the same as it was in your 20s — but it can still be enjoyable Changes to your body or lifestyle can make you feel vulnerable or uncomfortable — especially when it comes to sex. . A healthy sex life is both fulfilling and good for other parts of your life too — such as your physical health and self-esteem.

Sexual well-being is closely tied to the rest of your health.  Some surgeries and many drugs — such as blood pressure drugs, antihistamines, antidepressants and acid-blocking drugs — can affect sexual function. And existing health conditions — such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and prostate problems — can have an impact too. But don't give up. You and your partner can try new ways to be intimate that work with your needs and abilities. Stay positive and focus on ways of being sexual and intimate that work for you and your partner. for keeping a healthy sex life: Take care of yourself and stay as healthy as you can.

·         Eat a healthy diet.

·         Exercise regularly.

·         Don't drink too much alcohol.

·         Don't smoke.

·         Think positive.

·         Practice gratitude.

·         Drink plenty of water.

·         Get enough sleep.

·         Make time for loved ones and hobbies.

See your health care provider regularly, especially if you have long-term health conditions or take prescription drugs. Other conditions and drugs can affect your sexual health, but your provider can help.

Tips for menopausal women

Around menopause, you may experience changes in your sex life. Some women say they enjoy sex more. Other women find that they think about sex less often or don't enjoy it as much. Low hormone levels after menopause cause vaginal tissues to be thinner or drier.  .You can steps to improve your sexual health during perimenopause and after menopause by the following tips:

·         Be active. Physical activity can boost your energy levels, lift your mood, and improve your body image.  

·         Avoid drugs and alcohol. They can slow down how your body responds.

·         Have sex more often. If you choose to have sex, it can increase blood flow to your vagina and help keep tissues healthy.

·         Allow time to become aroused during sex. Moisture from being aroused protects tissues and makes sex more comfortable.

·         Practice pelvic floor exercises. These can increase blood flow to the vagina and strengthen the muscles involved in orgasm. Learn more about pelvic floor exercises.

Lower Stress

Stress has been linked to dozens of health conditions, including heart disease or cancer. Stress has also been linked to feeling irritable and not sleeping well. Life expectancy can be messed up by stress in two major ways. The first way is through the direct, unhealthy effects of stress on your body in the long term. The second way stress may shorten your life expectancy is through the negative behaviours that being stressed triggers. Learn to relax through meditation to keep your life expectancy up.

Turn off Your TV

No one has done a study comparing the life expectancy of TV-watchers and non-watchers. But cutting back on television watching is likely to improve most people's health and therefore increase their life expectancy.

Here are a few reasons:

Watching TV makes you inactive. You just sit there burning as few calories as possible, which could lead to weight problems.

TV makes you eat more junk food. People who are watching TV eat more than those who don't.

TV makes you antisocial. You are at home, zoned in, instead of talking with real people, face-to-face.

TV is stressful. The news and many shows are filled with stressful stories. Avoid these, and you may feel things are not so bad after all.

TV keeps you from doing other things. The average person watches about four hours of TV every day. That is 19 hours a week or more than 1,000 hours a year. If that time were put into exercise, volunteering, talking with our children, etc., think of what a different world it would be.

If you quit watching TV, you will gain on average back around 1,000 hours each year. Depending on what you do with that time, you could reduce your health risks and increase your life expectancy.

Avoid Risks

Life expectancy can be protected by making sure that you don't take any unnecessary risks. For young people, the biggest causes of death aren't diseases or age-related problems. The most common causes of death for young people are accidents, injuries, and violence.

When you add certain behaviours such as smoking to that list (which shortens life expectancy by up to 10 years), you get a list of things to avoid to protect your life expectancy.

·         Wear your seat belt while driving and drive defensively.

Avoid situations that may lead to injury.

Avoid risky sex.

Avoid violent situations.

Don't smoke (or quit smoking if you do smoke).

Maintain a healthy weight.

If you can do those things, then you are already increasing your life expectancy. Focus on avoiding obvious risks and dangers.  

Get Health Screenings and Tests

Improving your life expectancy through medical tests and health screenings, this is certainly one of the most effective ways to add healthy years on to your life. Medical tests and screenings can help treat diseases early, when they are more treatable, and extend life expectancy even with an illness or disease. (The author has his own study and views)

To be continued... in next article...