अपना मास्क मत भूलना, चौथी लहर दस्तक दे रही है...!

Do not forget your mask, 4th wave is knocking...!! 

Author : Dr. P. D.GUPTA

(Former Director Grade Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India.)


Fourth wave is knocking our door bells. We have no choice but to open the door but do not go without the MASK. Those who have forgotten the most protecting devise against Covid -19 should reinstate masks. Infect Mask will protect you. Here’s some guidance, taking into consideration your environment, your individual risk factors and those of the people around you — and the fact that masks protect the wearer, even when others around them are mask-free. 

While travelling in Airplanes : A mask is a good idea. 

Most planes pump the cabin air through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which work pretty well. But in December 2021, researchers found that passengers sitting in the same row and more than one seat away from someone who had Covid-19 still had a high risk of being infected through direct respiratory droplets. Wearing a mask reduced the risk of infection by 54 percent. 

Your seat may not be in the most dangerous spot, either. Boarding and deplaning areas and airports generally may be worse for circulation of the virus. And as experts reminded me: You don’t want to ruin your trip by becoming infected and having to quarantine, even if your risk of severe illness remains low. 

Public transportation : Probably a good idea. 

Unlike a plane, few buses or trains have fancy ventilation systems. 

“I know everyone talks about planes, but I would say buses are probably the riskiest, then trains, and then planes, in order of highest to lowest,”   

Schools: It’s a tough call. 

As it is indicated 4th wave is more dangerous for children it is all the more important to wear masks in school.  

Shopping : Depends on the store. 

If the business is mask optional, consider the space, the crowds and the airflow. 

Take a big box store with high ceilings. “Those tend to have good ventilation, and because of the high ceilings, there’s a lot of dilution, however such shoping mall are not many.  

“If it’s a smaller space and crowded space —  and people are really packed in there — the risk is higher,”   

And in general : Consider case numbers. 

You’re not the only person affected by your mask choices. Take a second to wonder about the risk you pose to others, especially as cases rise. What role does my mask play in protecting others? Think about your co-passenger or sitting on your next seat. (The author has his own study and views)