Is there any Difference between Heart of Men and Women?
क्या पुरुषों और महिलाओं के दिल में अंतर होता है ?

Author : Dr. P D Gupta 

Former Director Grade Scientist, Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (INDIA), Email:, Cell: 080728 91356

Friends, I’m not a cardiologist but what I read and experience as a biologist I found differences between men and women,  I’m sharing with you. Same way as a biologist in a scientific article I earlier wrote differences between eyes of men and women that apparently look alike. The article “Sex hormone receptors in the human eye” published in the noted scientific Journal Survey of ophthalmology volume 50 pages 274-284 in 2005. 

On the surface, basically all hearts look and functionally the same, but it may not be true. The differences between men and women are fascinating; do you know difference between men’s and women’s hearts? Here, we’re talking about is the actual, physical characteristics of the heart. We’re not talking about who has a greater capacity for love, emotions, affection, and compassion here. That’s another issue for another day.  

Men and women also have differences in their cardiovascular systems. Compared to men, women have smaller hearts and narrower blood vessels. There are several differences between the size and function of men’s and women’s hearts. Following are several of the most notable ones.

Size: By ratio, a woman’s heart and some of its chambers are smaller.

Density: The walls that divide some of the chambers are thinner, and the veins are finer.

Function: A woman’s heart pumps faster than a man’s, but a man’s heart eject more blood with each pump.

Stress Reaction: Stress causes a woman’s pulse rate to rise, leading to more blood being pumped. For men, arteries constrict, leading to a rise in blood pressure.

Men and women can have different symptoms. Men are more likely to break out in a cold sweat and to feel pain move down their left arm. 

Just before Heart Attack Man may feel pain, pressure, or discomfort in the chest. Experienced short of breath, sweat, faint, or feel sick, neck, jaw, or shoulders might hurt. 

Women are more likely than men to have back or neck pain, heartburn, and shortness of breath. They tend to have stomach trouble, including feeling queasy and throwing up. They may also feel very tired, lightheaded, or dizzy. A couple of weeks before a heart attack, a woman might have flu-like symptoms and sleep problems.  Symptoms can be so mild they're dismissed as something minor. 

Heart disease in both sexes is only partly related to the accumulation of cholesterol but Men and women experience cholesterol buildup in different areas. A heart attack occurs when cholesterol plaque builds up inside the walls of arteries and causes damage in the major blood vessels Men typically develop this plaque buildup in the largest arteries that supply blood to the heart. Women are more likely to develop this buildup in the heart’s smallest blood vessels, known as the microvasculature.

Following are several basic facts about the differences between men’s and women’s hearts, as well as challenges of heart disease treatment and diagnosis for these reasons.

1. Without seeing a doctor, women may confuse heart disease with other issues. Men feel a more obvious crushing pain in their chest, but women feel brief pain in the upper abdomen or back, nausea, shortness of breath, and sweating.

2. Statistically, men diagnosed with heart disease are about 10 years younger than women diagnosed with heart disease. This may be due to the fact that women’s symptoms may be less identifiable than men’s symptoms, as well as the idea that women tend to postpone seeking treatment.

3. A woman’s risk for cardiovascular disease significantly increases after menopause.

4. Sudden cardiac death is more common in men.

5. Because of the physical differences in the size and function of the heart, treating arrhythmia may require different types of medications for men versus women.

6.  Women are more likely to experience heart palpitations

7. In addition to shared risk factors, diseases only found in women, such as polycystic ovary disease and endometriosis, may increase the risk of coronary artery disease.

8. Men are likely to experience a heart attack earlier in life.

9. Heart attacks in women are frequently more detrimental, and the recovery period may last longer.

And yet, until recently, women with heart disease have been diagnosed and treated like men—with the same tests, same procedures, and same medications. Certainly we need cardiologist specialized in  male and female Cardio-vascular diseases in super specialty era. (The author has his own study and views)