Dr.Shivali Sachin Gainewar
Clinical Psychologist, 8955482970
Learning Disability
To learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities. For example : household tasks, socializing or managing money which affects someone for their whole life.
People with a learning disability tend to take longer to burn and may need support to develop new skills, understand complicated information and interact with other people.
A LD is a neurological disorder in simple term a learning disability result from difference in the way a person brain is “wired ”, children with learning disability are as smart or smarter than their peers But they may have difficulty in reading , writing , spelling , reasoning , recalling , or gaining information if left to figure things out by themselves or if tough in conventional ways.
A learning disability can’t be cured or fixed, it is a lifelong issue with right support and intervention, however children with learning disabilities can success in school and go on to successful, often distinguished career later in life.
Parents can help children with learning disabilities achieve such success by encouraging their strengths knowing their weaknesses, understanding the educational system, working with professionals and learning about the strategies for dealing with specific difficulties.
Type Of Learning Disability :-
1. Dyslexia: “Dys” means “difficulty with” and “lexia” means ‘words’ thus “difficulty with words” .
2. Dysgraphia:
3. Dyscabculia :
1. Dyslexia: “Dys” means “difficulty with” and “lexia” means ‘words’ thus “difficulty with words” . Originally the term “Dyslexia” referred to a specific learning deficit that hundred a person’s disability to read.
2. Dysgraphia : “Dys” means difficulty with,and“graphia “ means writing,thus“difficulty with writing”.The term dysgraphia refer to more than simply having poor handwriting, this term refer to those who struggle with motor skills necessary to write thoughts on paper, spelling and thinking skills needed for vocabulary retrieval, clarity of thought , grammar and memory.
3. Dyscalculia: “Dys” means” difficulty” and “calculia” means “calculation and mathematics “– thus “difficulties with calculation and mathematics “ this terms refers to those who struggles with basic number sense and early number concepts as well as have difficulties with math calculation and math reasoning.
These deficits can affect the following skills and academic areas:-
Skills Areas:-
1. Visual / Auditory perception
2. Visual / Auditory memory
3. Visual / Auditory sequencing
4. Visual / Motor Coordination
5. Spatial relations (sense of a space )
6. Temporal Relations (sense of time )
7. Abstract / Logical thinking
Academic Area’s:
1. Spelling
2. Reading [Decoding / comprehension ]
3. Writing [Hand Writing / Expression ]
4. Math Compotation and Application.
Causes of Learning Disability (L.D.):Problems during pregnancy and birth: LD may be caused by illness or injury during or before birth. It may also cases by low birth weight, lock of oxygen, drinking an alcohol use during pregnancy, and premature or prolonged labor.
In many cases, there may be genetic predisposition to the development of learning disabilities. They can also be caused by changes in the brain from social or environmental desprivations deafness, poor vision , birth trauma, or neurologic injury in Utero. Learning disabilities are twice as common in children with Chronichealth condition as is children without chronic health conditions. Children who receive special education services have greater rates of healthcare Utilization than Children, who do not receive special education services.
Environment factors can directly play a role in causing learning disabilities. Research shows that factors such as malnutrition , prematurity , poor pre-nataland post-natalhealth care, stress , poor parenting and teaching can have a negative impact on learning creating conditions in which brain disfunction is more likely. Substance about such as alcohols and other drugs, defective learning models, emotional disturbances, social and cultural deprivation can contributes to learning disability.
Reducing Your Child’s Risk Of L.D:
While some LD cannot be prevented, you may be able to lower your child’s risk of LD by:
Avoid all alcohol, tobaccos, and recreational drugs before , during and after your pregnancy.
Avoid exposure of toxic substances during pregnancy and after your child’s birth.
Carefully assessing risks versus benefits for your child’s mediations with your health care practitioner.
Eliminating stressful influences from your child’s home and social environment.
Getting prompt help to correct any detected, sensory deficits, especially hearing deficit or poor vision.
Obtaining early childhood screenings for your child and discussing early childhood development millstones with your child’s health care provider.
Protecting your Child by limiting medications both during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Providing good nutrition and a health environment for your child.
Seekingearly intervention if your child is diagnosed with a LD or a potential disability.
Treatments :
LD are not curable, however, many can be reduced or controlled with early screening and intervention. In addition, disabilities caused by correctable factors, such as poor hearing or vision may go away entirely over time.
Once the Causative condition is corrected. Once diagnosed with a LD, your child’s most beneficial treatment will be special education services, including a team approached to planning your child’s individualized education program [IEP], in addition to other therapies, if there are found helpful. These might include speech therapy Or occupational therapy. One -on -One tutoring with a specialist who understand LD. Can also make difference in child’s adaptation and progress.
Complications of untreated or poorly controlled LD can be serious. You can help minimize your child’s risk of serious complications by following the treatment plan you and your child’s health care.
Professional design specifically for your child complications of LD include.
Acceleration of disabilities.
Adult behavioral problems.
Adult literacy problems
Adult social adjustment problems.
Low self esteem or depression.